Tracy Hackshaw is an ICT and Digital Economy Strategist possessing close to twenty-five (25) years’ local, regional and international experience spanning work in the public and private sectors where he has been integrally involved in the design and implementation of several globally recognized award-winning initiatives such as SurePay, ttconnect, TTBizLink, and Star.tt. Tracy has represented Trinidad & Tobago in various international forums, including at the 2016 G77 Meeting of Experts on ICTs and Sustainable Development for South-South Cooperation, the Executive Management Committee of the Commonwealth Cybercrime Initiative, a two-year term as Vice Chair of ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), and co-chairing the Dynamic Coalition on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Internet Economy at the United Nations Internet Governance Forum.
With respect to his ICANN volunteer work, following his two year term as Vice Chair of the GAC, Tracy was asked to Co-Chair the GAC Under-served Regions Working Group focusing on capacity building within developing and emerging economies primarily in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific regions, and to take the Lead on the GAC Technology Task Force, charged with the redevelopment and redeployment of the GAC’s website on a new ICANN web platform. He also responded to the call to participate as a Community Mentor in ICANN’s Pilot Community Onboarding Program, a role which he performed from ICANN 55 through to ICANN 59, handing over the Mentorship mantle to his graduating, fully onboarded mentee at the end of the Johannesburg meeting. In 2018, he was selected to serve as the Latin American and Caribbean Regional At Large member on the 2019 ICANN Nominating Committee and in 2019, he was selected to serve a second term on the 2020 ICANN Nominating Committee. In September 2019 he was selected by the ICANN Board to serve as Chair-Elect of the 2021 ICANN Nominating Committee.
Tracy has been appointed to several National Committees and Task Forces, including the National ICT Technical Committee (Trinidad & Tobago Bureau of Standards), the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) for the Development and Implementation of a Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery Cloud-based Solution & Service Oriented Architecture, Maintenance and Support of the Single Electronic Window (SEW) for Trade & Business Facilitation – TTBizLink (Ministry of Trade & Industry), the Inter-Ministerial Committee For The Review Of The Electronic Transfer Of Funds (Crime) Act, the National Technical Advisory Committee on Electronic Transactions, the Task Force On The Acquisition By Cable And Wireless Communications of Columbus International, and the Central Bank of Trinidad & Tobago’s National Payments Council. In addition to professional leadership roles in the Ministries of Science & Technology, Public Administration and Planning & Development and iGovTT, among several other entities and organisations, Tracy has conducted Academic Teaching and Research work at the DiploFoundation/University of Malta, where he is currently a member of their Teaching and Research Faculty and at The University of the West Indies, where he received a 1st Class Honours Degree in Sociology & Psychology in 1996. Since graduation, Tracy has continued his postgraduate learning path at Royal Holloway College, University of London, at the National University of Singapore (e-Government Leadership Centre, Institute of Systems Science), and in 2019, after completing further studies in Entrepreneurship and Small & Medium Enterprise Management at the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, received a Masters in Small & Medium Enterprise Management with Distinction.
As Director of the Trinidad & Tobago Multistakeholder Advisory Group, he played an integral role in convening the inaugural Trinidad & Tobago Internet Governance Forum in January 2017 and has continued in this role right through to the most recent TTIGF held in January 2021. Tracy is the founding Vice Chair of the Internet Society Trinidad & Tobago Chapter and was elected its Chair for the 2017-19 term. In 2018, the Chapter was awarded the rights to implement the global Cybersecurity awareness campaign STOP.THINK.CONNECT™ in Trinidad and Tobago.
In 2018, and following his second year (2016-17) serving as Internet Society Expert Moderator and Coach/Mentor to ISOC’s Youth@IGF, Tracy was asked to serve on the Board of the Digital Grassroots Youth Initiative.
Key Socials: LinkedIn. Twitter. Instagram.